City Tutor DC


CityTutor DC (CTDC) partners with 90+ schools, tutoring providers, colleges/universities, and community-based organizations to expand the scope and impact of quality tutoring opportunities for DC’s students. One essential facet of CTDC’s work is strengthening DC’s growing volunteer tutor force with recruitment, training, and matching efforts. CTDC leverages its broad coalition to match volunteer tutors with organizations in need. 

States of Operation: DC

Subjects Offered: Elementary and Secondary Math and Literacy 

Grade Levels: K-12

Tutor Type: Volunteer 

Setting: Varies by provider

Delivery Mode: In-person, virtual

Tutor-Student Ratio: 1:1-1:4

# of Sessions Per Week: 2-4

Number of Minutes Per Session: 30-60

RCT or QED Study Conducted: Varies by provider 

Available Training

Training Overview: CityTutor provides live virtual orientation for volunteer tutors to understand the local education context within DC, build an understanding of high-impact tutoring, and develop initial skills to lead a tutoring session. CityTutor developed content modules (elementary, middle, and high school math and elementary and secondary literacy) in collaboration with SchoolKit. 

Training: City Tutor DC Orientation and Content Module materials 

Credentials: N/A


  • 90-minute Zoom virtual training, which includes whole group and small group breakouts 

Orientation Overview:

  • Get Started (5 min)
  • Who is CityTutorDC? 
  • What Does it Mean to Tutor for High-Impact? (10 min)
  • History and Context: DC Public Education (10 min) 
  • Tutoring Best Practices (30 min) 
  • Content Breakout: How Do I Tutor for Understanding? (30 min)
    • Elementary Math 
    • Elementary Literacy 
    • Middle School Math 
    • High School Math 
    • Secondary Literacy 
  • What’s Next? (5 min) 

Recommendations/Notes: This orientation was developed with a non-educator in mind and is meant to give volunteers and other tutors the essential skills to begin their tutoring journey. In particular, this orientation can be a practical example of building tutor context related to the city/region where they are tutoring, and introducing them to high-level content area concepts before they receive more in-depth training through their tutoring provider.