Axiom Learning


Axiom Learning is a national education company that partners with school districts to provide direct academic instruction and remediation for students (both 1:1 and small groups), share and promote the integration of executive functioning curriculum and assessments, run professional development, and provide direct teacher coaching. Our goal is to transform the future of learning by integrating science and evidence with pedagogy to develop the best educational approaches, frameworks, methods, tools, and techniques to actualize every learner. 

States of Operation: AZ, CA, CO, MA, MN, MD, NC, NJ, NY, WA

Subjects Offered: Math, Reading, Executive Functioning 

Grade Levels: K-12+ 

Tutor Type: Contractor; tutors generally college/graduate students or former teachers 

Setting: During or before/after school

Delivery Mode: In-person or virtual

Tutor-Student Ratio: 1:1-1:4 

# of Sessions Per Week: 3+

Number of Minutes Per Session: 30-60 

RCT or QED Study Conducted: RCT

Publicly Available Training 

Overview: Axiom Learning provides subject-specific training for delivering high-impact tutoring using Axiom’s CARE framework. All training includes a mixture of asynchronous work and live check-ins, and these subject-specific trainings are provided as a follow-up to a separate general orientation for tutors.

Training: Axiom is providing access to the content of their first module for training: Skills Needed for Success. Links to the training are in the Content Overview section below. 

Credentials: Individuals who complete the training receive a certificate of completion.


  • Training is subject-specific and is completed asynchronously, followed by a live group 30-minute check-in. 
    • Each subject-specific training includes four self-paced online modules with video content, tutor self-reflection, comprehension questions and scenarios to check for and apply knowledge, links to relevant external resources, a tutor FAQ, and a live check-in.
  • Length: 15-20 min per module for each training
    • 90 min for full subject-specific training 

Content Overview: Axiom’s Tutor Training is composed of four modules on covering the following four topics: 

  • Skills Needed for Success 
  • Strong Instruction Components
  • Session Breakdown 
  • Monitoring Progress 

All modules follow a similar format that includes 1) eliciting tutor prior knowledge on the topic, 2) building background context, 3) providing additional resources, 4) supporting tutors to apply their learnings, and 5) facilitating tutor reflection on the learning. 

Below are three examples of the Skills Needed for Success module: 

Each of the above three examples follows the same format:

  • Beginning Reflection
  • Self-Paced Video: Foundational Skills for EF and the CARE Framework (7 min)
  • Comprehension Questions (2-5 min)
  • Application to Scenarios (2-5 min)
  • Links to External Resources and Research (5 min)
  • Ending Reflection 

Recommendations/Notes: Axiom Learning provides subject-specific training as one part of a fuller onboarding process for tutors, which includes a general orientation and subsequent training that covers the science of regulation, self-determination theory, strategies around tapping into students’ motivation, how to interpret and respond to challenging behavior, and the basics of group management. 

While this onboarding flow is intended to orient even instructors with limited teaching experience, Axiom recommends that providers consider training as an ongoing process. Ongoing training can include providing tutors with regular PD, observing sessions providing feedback, and offering consistent opportunities (e.g., bi-weekly meetings) to discuss tutoring challenges.