Stanford University - Ravenswood Reads Tutoring Program


Ravenswood Reads is a service-learning program, established in 1986 (as the Ravenswood Stanford Tutoring Program). Stanford students tutor children in kindergarten through second grade in reading and language acquisition.

As a unique partnership among the Haas Center for Public Service, the Ravenswood City School District, and the Boys and Girls Club of the Peninsula (BGCP), the program focuses on providing a service to schools in East Palo Alto and creating a learning experience for Stanford students.

States of Operation: CA

Subjects Offered: Reading

Grade Levels: K-2

Tutor Type: College student

Setting: After school at the school site

Delivery Mode: In-person

Tutor-Student Ratio: 1:1

# of Sessions Per Week: 2

Number of Minutes Per Session: 30 minutes

RCT or QED Study Conducted: N/A

Publicly Available Training

Overview: Ravenswood Reads (program model) emphasizes the importance of adequately preparing and supporting volunteers. Initial training in the program is administered through a course taught by professors/lecturers at the Stanford Graduate School of Education. Ravenswood Reads Stanford tutors:

  • develop lasting relationships with children
  • learn strategies for assisting struggling readers
  • participate in a service project and contribute to the local community

Training: Educ 103A - Tutoring: Seeing a Child Through Literacy + ongoing Tutor Mentoring (Course Syllabus Fall 2023)

Credentials: Cardinal Commitment Recognition after three quarters 


  • One-quarter course offering one night per week
  • Tutoring 2x per week for 40 minutes
  • Three per quarter mentorship and ongoing training (provided by experienced Stanford tutor mentors)
  • Trained student mentors provide support to student tutors through a mentorship program. 

Content Overview 

Weekly Modules:

  • Literacy Development and Assessment
  • The Building Blocks of Literacy
  • Supporting Phonics and Fluency
  • Supporting Vocabulary and Comprehension
  • Supporting Oral and Written Expression
  • Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Instruction
  • Facilitating Engagement and Motivation to Read and Write
  • Reflective Practice 
  • Reflection and Pursuing Public Service Pathways

Tutor Manual

Recommendations/Notes: These course materials were developed for undergraduate students enrolled in Educ 103A - Tutoring: Seeing a Child Through Literacy + ongoing Tutor Mentoring at Stanford University. The team cannot provide the in-class materials because this is a current credited course at Stanford. However, the syllabus provided can serve as a helpful resource for other tutoring organizations. The syllabus includes links to articles and videos used throughout the course on various topics that can be turnkeyed and used with tutors in other programs.