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02/16/2021. Tool
Why establish a consistent tutoring session structure? When students know what to expect, they can better internalize what is expected of them. If each session has a consistent rhythm, students will feel safer and more engaged, and tutors will deliver more consistent and effective sessions. Instead of spending prep time internalizing directions and pacing, they can focus on content.

02/16/2021. Tool
Implementation Checklist Sessions have a consistent structure with space for relationship-building, independent practice time, and formative assessment. Implementation Tools (Click on the links below or visit the pages on the lefthand navigation for more information.)

02/16/2021. Tool
Implementation Checklist Sessions have curricula with high quality materials that maintain rigor. Session content complements classroom materials to support student mastery. Sessions focus on targeted learning goals informed by grade level standards, assessment data, and family and school input.  Sessions have a consistent structure with space for relationship-building, independent practice time, and formative assessment. If Delivery Mode is Blended: High-quality research-based software is used to

02/16/2021. Tool
What is Blended Learning in a Tutoring Program?  Blended learning is a delivery mode that combines live instruction with digital learning tools for independent practice. High-quality blended learning supplements live tutoring (either virtually or in person) with adaptive software, which modifies the presentation of material in response to student performance to support student learning.

02/16/2021. Tool
Why should you create data-informed student groups? If your Student-Tutor Ratio is Small Groups instead of one-on-one, the composition of these groups will influence session effectiveness. If students are grouped haphazardly, without regard for their academic strengths and struggles, then tutors will find it much more challenging to meet the individual needs of every student in a group.

02/16/2021. Tool
What is Accessibility? Students all learn in different ways: some of these differences are obvious, while others are more subtle. However, this seemingly simple truth is surprisingly difficult to internalize in practice. Most learning experiences are designed with only one kind of learning in mind, and thus optimized for only one kind of learner.

02/16/2021. Tool
Why should tutors personalize their tutoring sessions? The most effective sessions are personalized to meet an individual student’s needs. Student productivity and growth will increase if the tutor can identify the missing or incomplete skills that are holding a student back and focus on those specific skills. Identifying and addressing these skill gaps requires tutors to use both quantitative and qualitative data to shape the content they include and the approach they use during sessions.

02/15/2021. Tool
What is a Landscape Analysis? A Landscape Analysis outlines the strengths, resources, and needs of a particular community. It provides a framework for designing a service and ensuring that it is embedded directly in the needs of the community.

02/15/2021. Tool
Tutoring Curriculum Overview  While tutoring programs vary greatly in the content that is focused on during sessions, tutors should have a standards-aligned, rigorous, and grade-level appropriate curriculum to use during sessions. Having an established curriculum for tutors to follow ensures that tutors’ planning time is spent optimizing implementation and building deep content knowledge, not creating tutoring session plans.

02/15/2021. Tool
Overview Below, you will find two protocols for reviewing student academic data, one for a frequent post-session review and one for any data collected on an interim or infrequent basis. These protocols follow the same What/So What/Now What format as the Standard Data Review Protocol, but they are tailored with tutor-specific questions to guide data analysis.

02/15/2021. Tool
Why should you establish a standardized process for Data Review?  Standardizing a Data Review process helps set a clear expectation that the end product of Data Review is not knowledge, but action. Any Data Review Protocol should ensure that raw data is converted into a clear and digestible format before the reflection process so that reviewers can focus their energies on reflecting on the data, rather than synthesizing the data.

02/15/2021. Tool
What do we mean by Data Review?  Data Review is the process of collecting data, reflecting on it, and distilling it into actionable insights. This process is how you can turn data into knowledge and knowledge into action. Data Review requires going "below the surface" to find root causes for your results (both positive and negative) and planning actionable changes to continue improving your program.

02/12/2021. Tool
This tool is not legal advice Consult an attorney to ensure program compliance with all federal, state, and local laws.

02/12/2021. Tool
*/ /*-->*/ Logic Model Elements (Program Outputs and Short Term Impact) Sub-Area Measures Tool Data Collection Cadence Performance Expectation  

02/12/2021. Tool
Click Here to go to the Accelerator-Designed Tutoring Survey Instruments

02/12/2021. Tool
What is a Performance Measurement Plan?   A Performance Management Plan outlines how to assess a program’s progress towards making the desired Impact defined in its Logic Model, complete with key benchmarks to hit by specific dates. It is a reusable, consistent roadmap for finding rigorous answers to questions like “Are we on track?” or “What are we doing well?” or “How can we improve?” 

02/12/2021. Tool
Implementation Checklist Identify who is responsible for reviewing each type of data. Create and routinely use protocols for reviewing data and distilling insights to inform decisions. Review disaggregated data to ensure equity of services. Set up processes for communicating data (and the insights distilled from it) to relevant stakeholders. Make informed decisions and take action based on data, resulting in continuous improvements. Establish standards for effective imp

02/11/2021. Tool
Purpose Use these ten multiple-choice questions to design your tutoring program’s model dimensions. Model Dimensions are the specific design choices a new tutoring program makes at the outset. Each choice you make should have a clear rationale supported by your Landscape Analysis. Below we describe each of the Model Dimensions and outline a set of considerations for each dimension.  1. How are you targeting your tutoring, and what is your articulation for why tutoring is needed?

02/11/2021. Tool
What is a Landscape Analysis? A Landscape Analysis outlines the strengths, resources, and needs of a particular community. It provides a framework for designing a service and ensuring that it is embedded directly in the needs of the community.

02/11/2021. Tool
What is a Logic Model? A Logic Model is a road map for thinking through how to create a desired change or outcome. Creating such a model requires a top-level articulation of the inputs and actions required for a program to produce results, and an adherence to a consistent internal logic regarding how the design of a program relates to its goals. For any tutoring program, a Logic Model should explain how the model itself, the supports, and the stakeholders will interact to produce the results that you aim to achieve for students.

02/11/2021. Tool

02/11/2021. Tool

02/11/2021. Tool
Critical Questions What are the critical qualities for tutors in this program? How will the program recruit and select tutors to ensure a diverse cohort? How will the program recruit and select tutors to ensure they have the necessary skills? What expectations and processes will be set for tutors to ensure effectiveness and safety? How will the program train and support tutors? How will the training incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion? Sub Element

02/11/2021. Tool
Critical Questions How will the program engage stakeholders to ensure tutoring aligns with classroom curricula? How will tutors leverage stakeholders to build their understanding of student needs to tailor tutoring?  How will tutors build trust with stakeholders?  Sub Elements (Click on the links below or visit the pages on the lefthand navigation for more information.)

02/11/2021. Tool
Critical Questions What academic content will tutoring sessions focus on?  How should tutoring sessions be structured and facilitated to affirm students’ academic and personal identities, build strong relationships, and ensure students master the content? Sub Elements (Click on the links below or visit the pages on the lefthand navigation for more information.)

02/11/2021. Tool
Critical Question What data will the program collect to measure impact? How will these data reflect a holistic understanding of students’ experiences? What processes will be in place to review and act upon collected data? How will these review processes promote equity and reduce bias? Sub Elements (Click on the links or visit the pages on the lefthand navigation for more information.)

02/11/2021. Tool
Program Design Decisions: Model Dimensions and Related Considerations As you design a tutoring program, you will have numerous decisions to make that influence and impact one another. On the left column of the table below are Model Dimensions of tutoring programs; on the right are corresponding Considerations that allow you to contemplate how interactions among model design decisions may impact your tutoring program.

02/11/2021. Tool
Program Design Program Focus

02/11/2021. Tool
With a clear program focus, value proposition, logic model, cost estimate and initial model dimension decisions, you can begin implementation. The toolkit provides implementation guidance and tools for each of the seven elements of high-impact tutoring. The Tool Appendix gives the full range of tools.