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Displaying 151 - 180 of 249
04/30/2021. Tool
Safety Data Use: Student Data Privacy Guidance Tutors: Pre-Service Background Check Guidances Tutors: Setting Expectations with Tutors Instruction: Choosing and Using Virtual

04/30/2021. Tool
Equity Webinar: Cultural Awareness Conducting a Community Landscape Analysis Tutor Job Description Guidance Tutor Recruitment Strategy Tutor Selection Strategy

04/30/2021. Tool
Instruction Content

04/30/2021. Tool
Data Use Measures & Data Collection

04/30/2021. Tool
Learning Integration Tutor-Family Communication: Crafting an Introductory Statement for Families Parent Permission Slip for In-School Tutoring: English and Spanish

04/30/2021. Tool
Tutors Recruitment & Selection

04/29/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator webinar, we will cover the ways in which tutoring programs can utilize data in order measure their program’s effectiveness in terms of both student learning and tutor teaching quality.

04/26/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator webinar, we will be discussing a crucial component of any successful tutoring program: how to best personalize your program’s tutoring sessions to students' individual needs and learning styles. Throughout this video, we will walk through the importance of personalizing tutoring, traits to look or train for in your tutors, what data to utilize in order to measure student and tutor progress, and what potential learning barriers tutors may identify in students along the way.

04/23/2021. Article
Done well, high-impact tutoring can help individual students accelerate their learning and increase their engagement with school, said Susanna Loeb, director of the Annenberg Institute at Brown University and a panelist. But designed poorly, tutoring can be ineffective, she said. As momentum grows to build high-quality tutoring opportunities into the school day, and as more federal stimulus funding for student learning becomes available, districts should consider tutoring initiatives, Loeb said. “This may be the best opportunity we'll have to get this proven intervention built into schools for the long run, to provide all students in need with the high-impact tutoring to supplement their classroom work,” she said.

04/22/2021. Article
High-Impact tutoring — i.e., tutoring delivered three or more times a week by consistent, trained tutors using quality materials and data to inform instruction — is one of the most effective academic interventions, providing an average of more than four months of additional learning in elementary literacy and almost 10 months in high school math, according to research from the Annenberg Institute at Brown University (learn more here). The National Student Support Accelerator offers open-source Accelerator tools and resources to help ensure more equitable access to quality tutoring. These research-backed tools and supports are easy to use and downloadable, and are designed to make structuring, implementing and scaling high-quality, high-impact tutoring programs as straightforward as possible.

04/22/2021. Webinar
This video is the second of a two-part series that will discuss the expectations, methods, and relationships that come with training your tutors. This 2-part series includes:  Tutor Training, Part 1: Expectations, Methods and Relationship Building, and Tutor Training, Part 2: Effective Facilitation and Relationship Building.

04/22/2021. Webinar
This video is the first of a two-part series that will discuss the expectations, methods, and relationships that come with training your tutors. This 2-part series includes:  Tutor Training, Part 1: Expectations, Methods and Relationship Building, and Tutor Training, Part 2: Effective Facilitation and Relationship Building.

04/22/2021. Webinar
Part 1: Tutor Types & Training

03/30/2021. Webinar
The National Student Support Accelerator is excited to share this series of webinars, designed to assist practitioners start or improve high-impact tutoring programs. These short, instructional videos supplement the Tool Kit and simplify these processes. Each webinar also includes the relevant transcript, slide deck, and links to slide-specific tools. Additional webinars will be released soon, covering more key program design, implementation, training, and instructional topics.

03/30/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator webinar, we’ll be discussing the importance of practicing and maintaining cultural awareness in tutoring. 

03/30/2021. Webinar
Part 1: Decision Making

03/30/2021. Webinar
The “So, You Want to Start a Tutoring Organization” webinar series is meant to help demystify the process of starting a tutoring organization. This 3-part series includes:  Decision Making, Recruitment and Selection, and Safety, Expectations, Accessibility, and Evaluation.

03/30/2021. Webinar
The “So, You Want to Start a Tutoring Organization” webinar series is meant to help demystify the process of starting a tutoring organization. This 3-part series includes:  Decision Making, Recruitment and Selection, and Safety, Expectations, Accessibility, and Evaluation.

03/18/2021. Article
A new policy brief examines the research evidence behind tutoring and what design principles for tutoring have shown to be important for boosting student achievement. The report is titled Accelerating Student Learning with High-Dosage Tutoring. It’s coauthored by Dr. Carly Robinson, Dr. Matthew Kraft and Dr. Susanna Loeb of the Annenberg Institute at Brown University, as well as Dr. Beth Schueler of the School of Education and Human Development at the University of Virginia.

03/08/2021. Article
The Education Lab conducted a study that demonstrates individualized, intensive (or “high-dosage”) tutoring can double or triple the amount of math high school students learn each year, increase student grades, and reduce math and non-math course failures. The findings, which are the result of an intervention developed by the non-profit organization Saga Education, come as school districts across America grapple with the pandemic’s academic fallout, including significant learning loss among students and the acceleration of pre-existing educational disparities.

03/08/2021. Article
“The pandemic closed a lot of schools and in the process created even greater inequalities in the access students have to good educational opportunities,” said Susanna Loeb, a professor of education at Brown who directs the Annenberg Institute. “Many students weren’t able to connect, both metaphorically — as in, they found virtual learning very difficult — and literally — as in, they didn’t have internet access or the right technology. We came in thinking: ‘What is out there that could really accelerate the learning of students in need so that they don’t lose months or years of progress?’”

03/01/2021. Article
There is near unanimous, bipartisan agreement that tutoring is among the most promising, evidence-based strategies to help students struggling with learning loss.

03/01/2021. Article
The COVID-19 pandemic has set back learning for millions of students and compounded educational inequities in our nation’s schools. Data suggest that the pandemic is disproportionately harming Black, Latinx, and low-income students.

02/24/2021. Tool
Integration of Safety, Equity and Cohesion The overarching principles of high-impact tutoring are safety, equity, and cohesion. These themes have been woven in throughout all components of the toolkit.

02/23/2021. Tool
*/ /*-->*/ Overview Critical Questions Why and for whom is this tutoring program needed? How will this tutoring program increase equity? Program Focus

02/23/2021. Tool
Purpose Use the tool below to reflect on the strengths and areas of opportunities of your program aligned to the Actions and Practices of High-Impact Tutoring. Actions and Practices are the routine implementation processes that programs can improve regardless of their Model Dimensions, like “tutor recruitment and selection” or “session facilitation” (i.e. what the program does). 

02/21/2021. Tool
Implementation Checklist Define measures of success in alignment with your logic model, including non-academic measures of impact. Develop tools to collect data on the identified measures, including both quantitative and qualitative data. Set benchmarks to monitor progress towards outcomes. Put systems in place for collecting data that can be disaggregated by race, gender, IEP statues, home language, and other important factors to ensure equity of se