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05/27/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator webinar, we’ll be discussing various components of your program’s session content to consider. While programs’ overall focuses can vary across all academic subjects and general learning areas, there are some logistics that every program should take into account when setting up their content and how it will be delivered to students.

05/19/2021. Article
The new National Student Support Accelerator, housed at the Annenberg Institute at Brown University, launched to accelerate the growth of high-impact tutoring opportunities for K–12 students in need. The accelerator coordinates and synthesizes tutoring research and uses that research to develop publicly available tools and technical assistance to support districts and schools to develop high-impact tutoring programs for students.

05/06/2021. Article
The National Student Success Accelerator’s mission is to expand high-impact tutoring opportunities for all K-12 students in need. The NSSA is a research-based field-building organization that seeks to drive scaling and continual improvement in the quality of tutoring. The NSSA began with a group of educators convening around the issue of COVID-19 learning loss and the potential of tutoring as a solution. We are currently seeking to hire our founding Executive Director to further lead the organization through its initial organizational development and launching its initial set of programs and services.

03/29/2021. Webinar
The “So, You Want to Start a Tutoring Organization” webinar series is meant to help demystify the process of starting a tutoring organization. This 3-part series includes:  Decision Making, Recruitment and Selection, and Safety, Expectations, Accessibility, and Evaluation.

11/12/2020. Article
Into this breach has stepped the Annenberg Institute at Brown University, which late last week announced the launch of its National School Support Accelerator. Partly a hands-on tutoring initiative and partly a research project, Annenberg is funding a variety of demonstration tutoring sites throughout the United States to study and refine what we know about tutoring. Eventually, it wants to spin off the project into its own organization. "The trick, I think, is that when you scale something it's not as good as it is initially," said Susanna Loeb, the director of the Annenberg Institute. "How can we be careful so it scales at quality? What kind of resources are available so we know that it's quality, and they're doing it in a way that the research shows is most effective? That's really what this organization is aiming to do."