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10/27/2021. Legislation
Revises the Read to Achieve Program in many ways, one of which is including tutoring as part of the definition of literacy interventions.

10/27/2021. Legislation
Provided tutoring to 2,000 students in the summer of 2021 and is expanding to 42 sites in fall of 2021. Launched by The College of New Jersey’s School of Education, and paid for by he New Jersey Pandemic Relief Fund and the Overdeck Family Foundation. Over the summer, teacher prep programs provided small group tutoring at least three times per week in local nonprofits such as Boys and Girls Clubs.

10/27/2021. Legislation
Provides tutoring for 1,000 students in grades K-5 in literacy with a focus on relationship-development in its Pilot Program. Tutors are college students and funding is from GEER funds. Tutoring is 1:1 for at least 3 hours each week outside of the school day.

10/27/2021. Legislation
Requires many efforts to combat COVID-19 impact on education including funding for community partnerships to provide tutoring during the summer of 2021.

10/27/2021. Legislation
Requires the original K-3 requirement of Transitional Supplemental Instruction for Struggling Learners program to add additional components: 1) funding for one-on-one and small-group instruction for students who are not, or are not on track to, reading at grade level by grade 3; 2) funding for students who are not proficient in math (with priority to reading) and 3) extend services to grades 4 - 12.

10/27/2021. Legislation
Provides high-quality, open access math and literacy tutoring lessons aligned with state standards. Lessons focus on acceleration rather than remediation. The Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE) is allocating $1 million in seed money to begin the initiative.

10/27/2021. Legislation
Creates two statewide tutoring initiatives targeting PK-12 students who are in districts or communities with limited capacity or resources to deliver high-quality tutoring programs. The Illinois Tutoring Initiative provides high-impact tutoring to districts statewide through Illinois public Universities and Community Colleges. The district-led high-impact tutoring program provides grants to districts interested in creating and operating their own high-impact tutoring program.

10/27/2021. Legislation
Includes provision for high school juniors and seniors to satisfy community service requirements by providing 75 verified tutoring hours to students with a substantial deficiency in reading in kindergarten through grade 3, among others.

10/27/2021. Legislation
Requires school districts to (1) adopt high quality and consistent instruction materials (2) provide school leaders and teachers professional learning to provide Tier 1 education to students and address student learning needs (3) create balanced assessment system and provide data on learning loss, and (4) reexamine and create support structures to accelerate student learning (ex. high dosage tutoring).

10/27/2021. Legislation
Creates the Colorado high-impact tutoring program to provide grant funding to local education providers including school districts and charter schools and others, to create high-impact tutoring programs to address student learning loss and unfinished learning due to the presence of the COVID-19 pandemic in Colorado.

10/27/2021. Legislation
Funded through private philanthropy (Gary Community Ventures), provides trained and supervised tutors to work in CO schools in elementary literacy and middle grades math.

10/27/2021. Legislation
Includes funding for the California for All College Corps which provides undergraduate students at 46 colleges and universities across California the opportunity to earn $10,000 for committing to one year of service focused on three key issue areas for the state: K-12 education (tutoring and mentoring), climate action and food insecurity. Plans are for 3,250 students to be deployed in the 2022-23 school year with approximately 50% being tutors or mentors.

10/27/2021. Legislation
Creates the California Leadership, Excellence, Academic, Diversity, and Service-Learning (LEADS) Tutoring Program to provide both in-person and online tutoring to rectify learning loss. Each county office of education will implement the tutoring program in their area. Once the list of participating school districts is announced (on or before June 1, 2022), the bill makes all public K-12 school students in districts that meet criteria eligible to participate in supplemental individualized learning assistance.

10/27/2021. Legislation
Establishes a statewide Arkansas Tutoring Corps (with a focus on rural areas), to address interrupted learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Stipulations include:  - Should address the immediate emergency as well as lay the groundwork for a long-term, sustainable strategy  - Tutors must be qualified (as defined by the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education), trained and provided ongoing support  - Developed for K-6th grade math and reading  - Tutoring curriculum must be aligned with state standards

10/05/2021. Event
The U.S. Department of Education’s ED COVID-19 Handbook highlights tutoring as a key strategy for supporting student academic needs and for addressing the impact of lost instructional time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Funds from the American Rescue Plan can be used to implement high-quality tutoring. In this 90-minute REL West webinar, presenters will discuss tutoring as a way to address opportunity gaps exacerbated by the pandemic. They will share about evidence-based tools developed by Brown University’s National Student Support Accelerator that facilitate district planning, launch, and continuous improvement of effective tutoring programs.

09/27/2021. Article
We are excited to announce that we are now accepting applications for our Equitable Education Recovery Initiative. This initiative will provide each of 24 organizations a $200K unrestricted Catalyze Investment grant along with New Profit cohort-based capacity-building support and participation in a peer learning community—all over the course of three years. We are looking for community-based organizations providing ELA/math tutoring, whole child supports, and/or postsecondary advising to K-12 students in one or more of the following geographies: Denver Metro, Memphis/Nashville, and/or any part of California’s Central Valley from Fresno to Sacramento, plus Oakland.

08/23/2021. Article
The National Student Support Accelerator is releasing the High-Impact Tutoring: District Playbook (the Playbook), a downloadable online manual with detailed instructions about how to implement a high-impact tutoring program. The Playbook offers practical advice about everything from assessing what content tutoring should cover to estimating budgets to embedding tutoring in a school schedule. With checklists, suggested timelines and structured ways to tackle complex decisions such as whether districts should partner with existing tutoring organizations or build their own in-house programs, the Playbook aims to make the project of implementing high-impact tutoring less daunting and easier.

08/18/2021. Organization
Tutor Matching Service is the tutor management platform from Study Edge, a learning science company committed to improving the entire education continuum, from K-12 to college and beyond. For K-12 students specifically, one-on-one tutoring has been shown to have a significant impact on overall student performance.

08/12/2021. Article
Nearly $2 billion in federal pandemic aid is landing in the bank accounts of Dallas-area schools to help students recover from the pandemic. The money — which state leaders announced this spring would flow to Texas schools — has a few strings attached. Districts must spend it on addressing student needs. ...

07/31/2021. Article
DISD is part of a national collaborative working with researchers at Brown University to study how to maximize the impact of tutoring. Brown’s National Student Support Accelerator points to research showing that tutoring interventions can translate to between three and 15 additional months of learning.

07/24/2021. Article
As states, districts, and schools start to plan interventions and support for students for the ‘21-’22 school year, we are offering a 4-hour workshop to support state and district leadership teams in launching tutoring programs. We will work to provide support for leaders to develop the parameters around program design, human capital and communication, and share our resources and recommendations developed over 17 years in regards to professional development, curriculum and measurements of success. Saga Education stands out as a proven leader of the field in high-dosage, high-impact tutoring programs.

06/29/2021. Article
The American Rescue Plan requires states to spend at least 5 percent of the money allotted for K-12 schools— about $6 billion nationwide—on helping students make up for lost instructional time. Similarly, local school districts must spend at least 20 percent of their allocation on this objective. High-impact tutoring is an evidence based strategy proven to boost academic achievement, social-emotional development, and other outcomes. While tutoring can take many forms and often includes a mentoring component, Brown University’s National Student Support Accelerator defines high-impact tutoring as “a form of teaching, one-on-one or in a small group, toward a specific goal” that supplements, but does not replace, classroom instruction.

06/09/2021. Article
With the return to in-person learning in sight, K-12 leaders are urgently setting priorities for the coming school year. Each spring, educators are eager to find that “just right” approach to their biggest challenges. As a former middle and high school principal, I know that’s especially true after a tough year—and no year has been tougher than this one. For many leaders, accelerating student learning is top-of-mind, and one method that has garnered a lot of recent attention is high-impact tutoring. The National Student Support Accelerator, founded this year at the Annenberg Institute at Brown University to promote and support high-impact tutoring, defines it as one-to-one or small-group support that supplements classroom learning and complements existing curriculum by focusing on specific goals in response to individual students’ needs. This kind of tutoring is also known as “high-intensity tutoring” or “high-dosage tutoring.”

06/09/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator Video, we’ll walk you through an example tutoring session structure that your program can work off of to develop the session plan that will work the best for you. While every program may structure its tutoring sessions differently, certain components of any structure can be helpful to keep in mind.

06/09/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator Webinar, we will be discussing the ways in which your program can foster positive and constructive engagement with students’ families. By communicating effectively with families, you can increase their trust in your program – and this communication can happen through a variety of different channels.

06/09/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator webinar, we will be discussing how to evaluate data to improve your program as a whole. By developing standard routines for data review and having a clear understanding of what you would like to accomplish from reviewing your data, your program can consistently progress towards its goals and take note of what changes it should be making.

06/04/2021. Article
The Annenberg Institute received a $999,260 grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation last month to fund the National Student Support Accelerator. The NSSA research aims to strengthen and grow high-impact tutoring programs and opportunities for K-12 students nationwide. This funding will support the project for two years.

06/01/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator webinar, we will be discussing how your program can choose and fully utilize a blended learning software for tutoring.

06/01/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator webinar, we will be discussing how to choose and utilize a virtual tutoring platform for your program, if that is an option that your program would like to consider. As virtual learning has become even more prevalent, this mode of instruction can pose significant benefits to your program.

05/27/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator webinar, we will be discussing the ways in which your program’s tutoring curriculum can and should align with students' in-school curriculum. This alignment can be crucial to ensuring that students’ tutoring instruction prepares them for their in-classroom work, and that this instruction allows them to improve the skills they will use during their normal instruction times.