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07/27/2021. Tool
Overview: Why does stakeholder investment matter? Tutoring programs rely on diverse groups of stakeholders: not just the students and caregivers the program serves and the tutors, teachers, and administrators who implement it, but also the district superintendents and local government who approve budgets and the other community partners who support the program. If any of these groups are not invested in your program, successful implementation becomes more difficult.

07/27/2021. Tool
Overview: How do you source and sustain funding for High-Impact Tutoring? Significant funding is available to fund tutoring programs. This section outlines funding sources district leaders can consider as they determine how to financially support their tutoring program as well as key considerations that can help district leaders decide how to approach funding.

07/27/2021. Tool
Overview: How should you estimate your program’s budget? When implemented effectively, tutoring programs can have a significant impact on student outcomes, making these programs well worth the investment of time and funding. It is important for your district to fully understand the costs of running an effective tutoring program and determine how that program will be funded. Costs estimates for high-impact tutoring programs range considerably from $1,000 to over $3,000 per pupil.

07/27/2021. Tool
Click Here to go to the Accelerator-Designed Tutoring Survey Instruments Overview: How do data drive improvement? Collecting and analyzing data lets you make improvements in a targeted, strategic way. It allows your program to:

07/27/2021. Tool
Overview: Which staffing decisions matter most? Regardless of your approach to implementing tutoring, your district must make four main decisions that will impact the level of centralized capacity and staffing needed:

07/27/2021. Tool
Overview: Why is planning ahead important? Successful implementation of High-Impact tutoring requires planning the process in detail ahead of time. The tool below includes a series of checklists to keep track of the steps needed to get tutoring up and running in your district. It also includes rough timeline estimates, though these will vary depending on the size of your district, the needs of your community, and the scope of your tutoring program.

07/27/2021. Tool
Research shows that High-Impact Tutoring is unusually effective for accelerating student learning. In fact it is more effective than other interventions that have been tested and is effective across grade and content levels. This Workbook is designed to accompany High-Impact Tutoring: District Playbook and is for school district staff interested in implementing High-Impact Tutoring programs in their districts.

07/27/2021. Tool
Planning for High-Impact Tutoring Overview: Why is planning ahead important? Preliminary Question Checklist  Planning Timeline Checklist  How should you design and conduct a pilot program? Understanding Central Capacity and Staffing Needs 

07/25/2021. Tool
Overview: What are the different tutoring approaches? Once you have set clear goals for your tutoring program, you need to determine how your district will approach the day-to-day implementation of High-Impact Tutoring. Three approaches are common: Partnering with a Provider

07/25/2021. Tool
Overview: Why do you need to define goals at the outset? Your goals inform your program’s design and implementation. Rigorously defined and monitored goals keep decision-making focused, provide a framework to demonstrate progress and success to stakeholders, and indicate where improvement is needed.

07/25/2021. Tool
Overview: Why is alignment with district priorities important? Tutoring is most effective when it is integrated into a broader strategy addressing district priorities, positioned as core to each school’s instructional model rather than as a disconnected and optional add-on. Fully embedding tutoring also helps you build stakeholder engagement:

07/25/2021. Tool
Overview: What is a Focus Area? Your program’s Focus Area is the content area and/or grade level that you will prioritize for tutoring. Identifying a Focus Area is the first step in planning a tutoring program, and it requires answering these essential questions:

07/25/2021. Tool
Foundation: Assemble a Task Force  Overview: Why should you assemble a Task Force? How often should the Task Force meet? Who should be on the Task Force? What should the Task Force prioritize? Identifying a Focus Area

07/25/2021. Tool
Overview: Why should you assemble a Task Force? A successful High-Impact Tutoring program requires coordinated collaboration across departments and at different levels of the district hierarchy, from teachers and tutors to the district leadership. Input and buy-in from experts at these levels make the program more sustainable.

07/24/2021. Tool
Overview: Where should you start? Filling out the Pre-Assessment Checklist below can help you identify what content in this Playbook will be most helpful based on where you are in the process of establishing a tutoring program. If planning hasn’t started, this Pre-Assessment can help build consensus about the steps needed to plan a High-Impact Tutoring program and ensure that your district’s stakeholders are willing and able to implement it successfully.

07/24/2021. Tool
How does this playbook work? Who is the intended audience for the Playbook? This Playbook is designed for school district staff interested in implementing High-Impact Tutoring in their districts. While district staff members are the primary audience, state educational officials and school administrators will also be able to leverage many of the resources in the Playbook. How was the Playbook designed?

07/24/2021. Tool
What is High-Impact Tutoring? This Playbook describes how to implement a High-Impact Tutoring program in your district or school and why it is worthwhile to do so. First, though, it is important to define what High-Impact Tutoring is and how it differs from other less effective types of tutoring.

07/24/2021. Article
As states, districts, and schools start to plan interventions and support for students for the ‘21-’22 school year, we are offering a 4-hour workshop to support state and district leadership teams in launching tutoring programs. We will work to provide support for leaders to develop the parameters around program design, human capital and communication, and share our resources and recommendations developed over 17 years in regards to professional development, curriculum and measurements of success. Saga Education stands out as a proven leader of the field in high-dosage, high-impact tutoring programs.

07/22/2021. Tool
Research shows that High-Impact Tutoring is unusually effective for accelerating student learning. In fact it is more effective than other interventions that have been tested and is effective across grade and content levels.

06/29/2021. Article
The American Rescue Plan requires states to spend at least 5 percent of the money allotted for K-12 schools— about $6 billion nationwide—on helping students make up for lost instructional time. Similarly, local school districts must spend at least 20 percent of their allocation on this objective. High-impact tutoring is an evidence based strategy proven to boost academic achievement, social-emotional development, and other outcomes. While tutoring can take many forms and often includes a mentoring component, Brown University’s National Student Support Accelerator defines high-impact tutoring as “a form of teaching, one-on-one or in a small group, toward a specific goal” that supplements, but does not replace, classroom instruction.

06/09/2021. Article
With the return to in-person learning in sight, K-12 leaders are urgently setting priorities for the coming school year. Each spring, educators are eager to find that “just right” approach to their biggest challenges. As a former middle and high school principal, I know that’s especially true after a tough year—and no year has been tougher than this one. For many leaders, accelerating student learning is top-of-mind, and one method that has garnered a lot of recent attention is high-impact tutoring. The National Student Support Accelerator, founded this year at the Annenberg Institute at Brown University to promote and support high-impact tutoring, defines it as one-to-one or small-group support that supplements classroom learning and complements existing curriculum by focusing on specific goals in response to individual students’ needs. This kind of tutoring is also known as “high-intensity tutoring” or “high-dosage tutoring.”

06/09/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator Video, we’ll walk you through an example tutoring session structure that your program can work off of to develop the session plan that will work the best for you. While every program may structure its tutoring sessions differently, certain components of any structure can be helpful to keep in mind.

06/09/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator Webinar, we will be discussing the ways in which your program can foster positive and constructive engagement with students’ families. By communicating effectively with families, you can increase their trust in your program – and this communication can happen through a variety of different channels.

06/09/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator webinar, we will be discussing how to evaluate data to improve your program as a whole. By developing standard routines for data review and having a clear understanding of what you would like to accomplish from reviewing your data, your program can consistently progress towards its goals and take note of what changes it should be making.

06/04/2021. Article
The Annenberg Institute received a $999,260 grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation last month to fund the National Student Support Accelerator. The NSSA research aims to strengthen and grow high-impact tutoring programs and opportunities for K-12 students nationwide. This funding will support the project for two years.

06/01/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator webinar, we will be discussing how your program can choose and fully utilize a blended learning software for tutoring.

06/01/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator webinar, we will be discussing how to choose and utilize a virtual tutoring platform for your program, if that is an option that your program would like to consider. As virtual learning has become even more prevalent, this mode of instruction can pose significant benefits to your program.

05/27/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator webinar, we will be discussing the ways in which your program’s tutoring curriculum can and should align with students' in-school curriculum. This alignment can be crucial to ensuring that students’ tutoring instruction prepares them for their in-classroom work, and that this instruction allows them to improve the skills they will use during their normal instruction times.

05/27/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator webinar, we’ll be discussing various components of your program’s session content to consider. While programs’ overall focuses can vary across all academic subjects and general learning areas, there are some logistics that every program should take into account when setting up their content and how it will be delivered to students.

05/19/2021. Article
The new National Student Support Accelerator, housed at the Annenberg Institute at Brown University, launched to accelerate the growth of high-impact tutoring opportunities for K–12 students in need. The accelerator coordinates and synthesizes tutoring research and uses that research to develop publicly available tools and technical assistance to support districts and schools to develop high-impact tutoring programs for students.