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06/09/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator Video, we’ll walk you through an example tutoring session structure that your program can work off of to develop the session plan that will work the best for you. While every program may structure its tutoring sessions differently, certain components of any structure can be helpful to keep in mind.

06/09/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator Webinar, we will be discussing the ways in which your program can foster positive and constructive engagement with students’ families. By communicating effectively with families, you can increase their trust in your program – and this communication can happen through a variety of different channels.

06/09/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator webinar, we will be discussing how to evaluate data to improve your program as a whole. By developing standard routines for data review and having a clear understanding of what you would like to accomplish from reviewing your data, your program can consistently progress towards its goals and take note of what changes it should be making.

06/01/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator webinar, we will be discussing how your program can choose and fully utilize a blended learning software for tutoring.

06/01/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator webinar, we will be discussing how to choose and utilize a virtual tutoring platform for your program, if that is an option that your program would like to consider. As virtual learning has become even more prevalent, this mode of instruction can pose significant benefits to your program.

05/27/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator webinar, we will be discussing the ways in which your program’s tutoring curriculum can and should align with students' in-school curriculum. This alignment can be crucial to ensuring that students’ tutoring instruction prepares them for their in-classroom work, and that this instruction allows them to improve the skills they will use during their normal instruction times.

05/27/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator webinar, we’ll be discussing various components of your program’s session content to consider. While programs’ overall focuses can vary across all academic subjects and general learning areas, there are some logistics that every program should take into account when setting up their content and how it will be delivered to students.

03/29/2021. Webinar
The “So, You Want to Start a Tutoring Organization” webinar series is meant to help demystify the process of starting a tutoring organization. This 3-part series includes:  Decision Making, Recruitment and Selection, and Safety, Expectations, Accessibility, and Evaluation.