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01/11/2023. General
Reading Rescue is an early literacy intervention used in public schools across New York City. The partner organization supports staff members in using research-based strategies to accelerate reading and writing growth for a school’s most struggling students.

01/11/2023. General
Tutoring Programs     Reading Partners is an evidence-based program that recruits, trains, and supports community volunteers to provide individualized reading instruction to Kindergarten through 4th grade students.

01/11/2023. General
Reading Corps combines the people power of AmeriCorps and the science of how children learn to read. Trained AmeriCorps members are placed in early learning centers and elementary schools statewide to serve as literacy tutors for children from age 3 to grade 3. Tutors work with children one-on-one and in small groups daily, providing literacy interventions that are tailored to each learner’s needs.