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06/03/2024. Article
Decades of research have shown that high-impact tutoring is the most effective support to transform outcomes for struggling students. High-impact tutoring offers students access to a trained adult who has content knowledge, pedagogical training, and provides one-on-one or small group sessions. Over time, the tutor develops a relationship with the student, builds their confidence, and adapts the learning dynamic to the student’s needs in real-time. The best tutoring pairs consistent intervention with point-in-time assessments that monitor progress and inform instruction to catalyze growth. School and district leaders are often under the impression that there are limited financial resources to bring such individualized support to students. Fortunately, there is an array of funding resources at the district and school level to create and sustain high-impact tutoring programs for the students who need the support the most.

02/20/2023. Tool
Program Design

02/19/2023. Tool
Adapt this document to advocate for your HEI’s support of a high-impact tutoring partnership with a local K-12 district. What is High-Impact Tutoring and how do higher education institutions partner with school districts?

02/19/2023. Tool
The purpose of this guidance is to provide HEIs with ideas for how to recruit university students to serve as tutors. These ideas are curated from current practices shared by HEI tutoring programs in local K-12 districts. Depending on the population of students you intend to recruit, some of these ideas may be more relevant to your context than others. 

02/19/2023. Tool
Recommended Division of Functions Across HEI Departments Aligned to TQIS Quality Standards 

02/19/2023. Tool
The purpose of this guidance is to provide HEI partners with ideas for how to engage K-12 students more broadly with the HEI community.  This list is curated from practices shared by current HEI tutoring programs in local K-12 districts.  Depending on the design of your program and your HEI campus, some of these ideas may be more relevant to your context than others. 

02/19/2023. Tool
Once the partnership between the HEI and K-12 schools is established, regular meetings between the HEI and K-12 schools ensure that the partnership remains healthy and improves over time.

02/19/2023. Tool
The purpose of this guidance is to provide HEIs seeking opportunities to partner with a school district with information about how to identify districts interested in and/or already offering tutoring services.

02/19/2023. Tool
Use these ten multiple-choice questions to design your tutoring program’s Model Dimensions. Model Dimensions are the specific design choices a new tutoring program makes at the outset. Each choice you make should have a clear rationale supported by your Landscape Analysis and be made in consultation with your school district partner and internal task force/team. 

02/19/2023. Tool
This document outlines costs and funding sources needed to develop and/or grow a tutoring partnership between your HEI and a local K-12 school district. The amount and type of funding needed will be based on the model of your tutoring program. Use this cost calculator and HEI-specific budgeting template to understand your projected costs.

10/29/2022. Article
Tutoring is one of the most popular strategies for helping students catch up in the wake of the pandemic. But cost, staffing, and scheduling challenges often make it hard for schools to get these programs off the ground. A sweeping $10 million research effort announced Thursday aims to tackle that problem by studying 31 different tutoring initiatives across the country this school year. The goal is to answer some of the biggest open questions about how schools can put successful tutoring programs in place for more students — and then figure out if they worked.

10/28/2022. Article
In a recent study, we report on the implementation of opt-in, on-demand tutoring in partnership with the Aspire Public Schools (a charter management organization, or CMO) in California. The CMO provided 7,000 middle and high school students with free, unlimited access to one-on-one chat-based tutoring during the spring 2021 semester. Students accessed the program from a mobile device and could request help from an available tutor in any core subject. The topic of each tutoring session was usually driven by student questions and the interaction between tutors and students were chat-based with help from a virtual whiteboard to facilitate joint work.

02/17/2021. Tool
Purpose One-on-one goal setting conferences between tutors and students empower each student to take ownership over their education. Tutor coaching can help students clarify their goals and codify their plans of action, making it easier to communicate students’ progress to their families and other stakeholders such as teachers. Tutors can use the agenda below collaboratively with students to analyze academic growth and mastery, reflect on overall progress towards goals, and create a new action plan to keep moving forward.

02/17/2021. Tool
Why should tutors/tutoring programs continually update students’ families? Continual updates make student progress (and the value of the tutoring program) visible and tangible for families.

02/17/2021. Tool
Click here to view a sample introduction letter/program permission slip that can be adapted. 

02/16/2021. Tool
Why does In-Service Training, Oversight and Support Matter? Training, providing oversight and supporting your tutors are the most effective ways to ensure they are building and maintaining the skills and mindsets required to tutor successfully in your program.

02/16/2021. Tool
Why is tutor training important? Training your tutors is the most effective way to ensure they are building and maintaining the skills and mindsets required to successfully tutor in your program. There are two main methods of training: Pre-Service Training, which takes place before tutoring sessions begin, and In-Service Training, which is an integral part of a tutor’s ongoing support.

02/16/2021. Tool
This tool is not legal advice Consult an attorney to ensure program compliance with all federal, state, and local laws.

02/16/2021. Tool
This tool is not legal advice Consult an attorney to ensure program compliance with all federal, state, and local laws.

02/16/2021. Tool
Your candidate pool should reflect the backgrounds of the students being served. Also, when developing selection criteria, consider how advanced you need tutors to be when it comes to understanding systemic oppression and being anti-racist. Some programs look for an openness to learning and an acknowledgement of intrinsic bias as this sets the foundation for future training.

02/16/2021. Tool
Why build an intentional recruitment plan? The more applicants your program can recruit, the more selective you can be when choosing tutors. If your program cannot recruit enough qualified tutors, it must either serve fewer students or provide each student with less support. Poor recruitment can make it harder for your program to serve its mission, starting a downward spiral of lower impact, less funding, and fewer high-quality tutors.

02/16/2021. Tool
Why create a tutor job description? If your program plans to recruit tutors from outside the community, you will need a job description to post online or otherwise circulate. If your program plans to rely on teachers at partner schools, students’ families, or peer tutors, you should still create a job description internally for selection purposes. The checklist and the examples below will help you make sure your job description gets read, attracts applicants, and targets the specific kind of candidates you think would make ideal tutors in your program.

02/16/2021. Tool
Implementation Checklist Delineate training content based on Model Dimensions and selection criteria for tutors Establish a clear structure for pre-service and in-service training, including frequency, format, facilitator, etc. Ensure inservice training is responsive to performance evaluations, stakeholder feedback, and student performance data Collect feedback from tutors on trainings and incorporate insights and lessons from feedback to improve training effectivene