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Displaying 1 - 19 of 19
09/07/2021. Webinar
Cultural Awareness

09/07/2021. Webinar
Family Engagement

09/07/2021. Webinar
Session Content

09/07/2021. Webinar
Data Use: Evaluation and Improvement

09/02/2021. Webinar
Susanna Loeb from the National Student Support Accelerator shares research, best practices, and resources educators can use when implementing high-impact tutoring at their LEAs.

06/09/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator Video, we’ll walk you through an example tutoring session structure that your program can work off of to develop the session plan that will work the best for you. While every program may structure its tutoring sessions differently, certain components of any structure can be helpful to keep in mind.

06/09/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator Webinar, we will be discussing the ways in which your program can foster positive and constructive engagement with students’ families. By communicating effectively with families, you can increase their trust in your program – and this communication can happen through a variety of different channels.

06/09/2021. Webinar
In this National Student Support Accelerator webinar, we will be discussing how to evaluate data to improve your program as a whole. By developing standard routines for data review and having a clear understanding of what you would like to accomplish from reviewing your data, your program can consistently progress towards its goals and take note of what changes it should be making.